ARK001 is a novel investigational treatment with a proprietary formulation for the treatment of infantile hemangioma (IH)
ARK001: A Novel Esmolol Product to Treat IH
Pediatric-specific formulation— Clear topical esmolol gel designed for sensitive skin
Topical delivery— Applied directly to the IH where it is absorbed to act locally
Ultra-short half-life— Esmolol is rapidly metabolized locally by red blood cells; no systemic beta blockade
Less risk of hypoglycemia – can be administered without food/no need to wake a baby for feeding
Low risk of side effects seen with other beta blockers
Esmolol is beta-1 selective, and does not cross the blood brain barrier
Low risk of bradycardia or wheezing
Low risk of CNS side effects such as sleep disturbance or negative cognitive impact